Next event Children's Halloween Party Saturday October 26th

Recent gifts to needy causes or people. 2021

Presentation Evie2Litter picker Eva 1

A short while ago it came to the attention of one of our Lion members that a local girl, who is only 7 years old, had taken to making a special effort to clean up her local area by litter picking. The girl, Evie Koleszko- had been upset after watching a film about plastic pollution in the sea. She had seen a sea turtle, her favourite creature that had become trapped in some discarded plastic. Her father, Chris suggested that she could do something positive to help by picking up litter around their home in Woodlesford. They collected three bags full on their first litter picking trip and have since been out together more than 20 times and fill at least one bag each occasion.
When this was brought to the attention of the Rothwell District Lions a unanimous decision was made by them that Evie should be rewarded for her efforts. A decision was made to present Evie with a Certificate of Appreciation for her outstanding service to the community plus a small gift for her efforts. Evie and her parents were delighted to see her efforts rewarded and thanked the Rothwell Lions for their interest in what she has done and is still doing. She is a little young to sign up now as a Rothwell Lion but who knows what the future holds for her with this attitude to helping and serving others.

A request was made to the Rothwell District Lions by the mother of a young girl Mia Wright who is hoping to make a career as a dancer but who has a medical condition which causes her spine to curve sideways ( Scoliosis) Having undergone treatment on the NHS she was informed that there was little else that could be done to improve her situation other than by fusing parts of her spine.This would have meant the end of any hope Mia had of a career in dance. By this time Mia was 14 years of age. Mia's mum investigated further and found a clinic in Turkey that specialised in helping people with this condition. This would have to be paid for privately and after further investigation and consultation the family set about raising the £60,000 that would be required for the surgery and aftercare. The surgery itself involve keyhole procedures to attach a cord the length of Mia's spine which can be tightened as required to help re align her spine.
The Lions pledged £500 towards this cost. Although this was obviously only a fraction of the amount needed the family has been ably to almost reach their target by other means of fundraising. This is continuing until the final figure is reached . Anyone interested in helping the family continue with their fund raising efforts can contact the family via the Lions.

MIa 1
MIa 3MIa 2


Sarah and her young daughter are both active members of the Rothwell Raiders Rugby League club. Sara helps coach some of the younger members but being wheelchair bound found herself unable to access the pitch. After approaching the Rothwell Lions for assistance with purchasing an electric wheelchair that would allow her to take a more active role in the running of and training within the club she was able to purchase the chair she needed. She was not solely reliant on the LIons for the funds for the club and undertook a number of her own fundraising efforts.

Both Sara and her daughter were delighted to hear that they had reached their goal and the chair could be purchased

Sara in her new electric wheelchair

Request for assistance with a Condenser Dryer

We received a request from a lady who wishes to remain anonymous. She does not enjoy good health, husband had been on furlough for many months and she had an 11 year old daughter whose condition meant that she insisted on changing and washing her clothes several time a day. Having recently purchased a new washing machine their condenser dryer was now broken and they did not have the funds to purchase a new one.. The Lions were able to purchase a new dryer for the family and the mother's thank you included the following statement to us.

"something that may seem so little had a massive change in our lives, it made our tasks all the more easier and meant that we had warm, clean clothes without me having to risk my health." " Thank you everyone for making life that little bit easier."
"My dryer is now my best friend and every time I put it on I am reminded that there is still kindness in the world" "Thank you."


During the Lions year July 2022 to June 2023 we made the following donations and welfare support

Our main donations were to the Rob Burrow MND Centre Appeal and to Crohns and Colitis UK a total of £7500 

We also made the following donations

We also funded the Children's Pantomime held in the Blackburn Hall. Thanks to everyone who helped to support these causes by coming along to our events, buying raffle tickets, Easter Egg and Christmas Spirit draw and Duck Race tickets and donating to the Santa Sleigh and Bonfire Night collections. Remember every penny of your donations goes to a good cause. Lions members finance the running of the club, including this website. 

We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.

Major Welfare Donations in 2024

This years (2024) has seen our Lion president Harry Boynton make donations of £2500 each to his two chosen charities for the year.

 The Rothwell and District Gateway Club and The Leeds Hospital Charity's Rob Burrow Centre Appeal .

Throughout the year the Lions have made grants available to a number of individuals and organisations . All the money raised has been passed onto good causes with the nothing being deducted for administrative costs.

2024 Presidents charity presentation to Rothwell District Gateway Club 

2024 Presidents charity presentation to the Leeds Hospital FUnd Rob Burrow Centre Appeal

Dr Agam at Seacroft Hospital MND unit receiving our cheque for £2500

This follows on from an earlier cheque for £5000 presented to this charity.

Please donate to help us help others