Next event that Lions are involved in is The Rothwell Beer Festival 10-12 April 2025
Fund raising BBQ at Lion President Andrea Macdonald's home on the 18th August

President Changeover. 2018/19 sees a new President (Andrea Macdonald) in charge of our Lion's club. Here she is at the Printworks receiving her chain of office from the outgoing President Janice Davis.
Also shown below is one of our ex Presidents, Paul Mann being presented with the Melvyn Jones Fellows award recognising his service to the Rothwell District Lions over many years.

The Lions were asked by the St Georges Crypt charity for the homeless if we were able to assist them at the Leeds Riverside festival by running a BBQ for them on either a Saturday or Sunday. Due to a lack of response from others they later asked if we could cover both days which we willingly did .(23rd and 24th June)

Our 2018 Duck Race went well thanks to the generosity of the people of Rothwell and the surrounding areas. It's a hard day's work for the Lion members but it's all in a good cause and we go home at the end tired but satisfied with the results of our efforts. Next to come will be the Rothwell Carnival and then it's the Wild Boar Challenge.

Duckmeister Russ. ready to catch the ducks at the end of the race

Lion Don Wilson and wife Denise plus grandchildren with their Duck Race tickets
The recent Rothwell Lions beer festival, a joint event with Rothwell Holy Trinity Church, saw the presentation of two cheques, each for £2500, to the Second Chance charity and to Willow Young Carers.

Official opening of the new defibrillator at the Morrisons store in Rothwell .
Organised by Rothwell Rotary with a contribution from, amongst others, Rothwell District Lions
Photo. courtesy of Stephen Ward Photographer and Publisher

The Lions welcome Cartoon Circus to Blackburn hall for an afternoon of magic and fun and magic

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